
Predict positive buyers on online shopping website using SAS Enterprise Miner.

View the Project on GitHub yeexunwei/online-shoppers-intention-sas


Using SAS Enterprise Miner to classify site visitors to be positive or negative buyers.

Project Intro

Sampling, Exploring, Modifying, Modeling, and Assessing (SEMMA) with SAS Enterprise Miner. Experiment with various methods to explore and develop models for the classification.

Methods Used


Project Description

  1. Sampling
    Data source from [UCI Machine Learning Repository]. Data class is imbalanced with 86% of negative cases.

  2. Explore
    • Clustering method is used in this project to segment the data.
    • The Segment Profile tool is used to examine clustered data and identify factors that differentiate data segments from the population.
    • Chi-square test shows variables PageValues and ExitRates ranked the highest.
  3. Modify
    • Replacement of missing values.
    • Resampling of data.
  4. Model
    • Decision Tree
  5. Assessment
    • Decision Tree ranks PageValues as the most important variable
    • Model Comparison

Getting Started

  1. Download all the files and start a new SAS Enterprise Miner project.
  2. Click on File and select Import diagram from XML.
  3. Import Online Shoppers Intention.xml.
    import xml
  4. Select the File Import node. To specify the path click on Import File and browse to the location of online_shoppers_intention.csv.
    import xml
    import xml